It was recent that IUPAC named 4 more elements and added them to the MODERN PERIODIC TABLE which we will discuss upon later in this article. Science discovered so much that from just 31 elements identified in 1800 we have discovered and named 117 elements at present. Right from the initial days, scientists did feel a need to classify the elements ssoo that their properties and process of learning about each element one at a time.
Elements group are either nonmetals or various subsets of metals. but there is no district line between line between the two types of elements. Metal elements are usually good conductors of both electricity and heat. subsets are based on similar characteristics and chemical properties demarcations between the elements.
ALKALI METALS: The alkali metals make up group1 of the table and comprise lithium(Li) trhough francium (Fr) these elements have very similar behaviour and characteristics. hydrogen id group 1 but it exhibits few characteristics of a metal and is often categorized with the nonmetals.
ALKALINE EARTH METALS: The alkaline earth metals make up Group 2 of the periodic table, from beryllium(Be) through radium, (Ra) The alkaline earth metals have very high melting points and oxides that have basic alkaline solutions.
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